Instagram is giving users the capacity to create their own “Add Yours” templates in the app, which will provide another way to spark engagement based on specific, selected parameters.

As you can see in these example screens, you’ll now be able to create re-usable versions of your Stories formats, enabling you to put together custom quizzes, prompts, etc., based on existing in-stream tools.
As per IG:
“People will be able to develop and share their own custom, meme-able Add Yours templates by pinning GIFs, text, and gallery images to a Story template. Add Yours story templates gives people more ways to express their creativity in Stories and share what’s on their mind with their followers.”
To create an “Add Yours” template, you’ll first add any GIFs, text, or images to your Story that you want to be part of your template. You then select the “Add Yours Templates” from the sticker tray, and choose the elements to pin as part of your template.
You can also use Instagram’s own templates, either as a base or as inspiration, which you can generate by tapping the dice icon at the bottom of the composer screen.

From there, you can post it to your Story, with that Story then displaying an “Add Yours” prompt, inviting viewers to share their own take on the same.

It could help Instagram tap into a whole new set of trends, by giving its billion-plus users the opportunity to create their own templates, which could see all new prompts and engagement options emerge.
It’s an interesting concept, though actually coming up with interactive, engaging Story prompts might not be as easy as you think.
But if it results in just one viral trend, it’ll be worth it, and I’m guessing it will.
The new “Add Yours” option is available in the latest version of the app.
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