Yes, the section on Trump’s golfing life is more than twice as long as the part about him evading a sniper’s bullet. There are shots of Trump sitting in a golf cart, chatting with various golf pros, holding a map of his club in Scotland at his club in Scotland, and swinging a golf club from multiple angles. One page is a zoomed in photo of the back of Trump’s MAGA hat-clad head with the caption, “Who is this Handsome man?”
Another reads:
People are very surprised at how long and straight I hit the ball – And I’ve always known how to score. I’ve won a lot at Golf but, more importantly, for me, it’s relaxation!
I’m pretty sure there’s some sexual innuendo in there, but while Save America is a book that has no problem winking about Margaret Trudeau’s “clubbing,” I don’t want to go there.
Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photo: Winning Team Publishing
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