Evil – Fear of the Unholy

We are almost at the finish line for this amazing series and while I cannot wait to find out how it ends next week, I am also very sad to see it go. At the time of this posting, there is still no word on whether Netflix or another streaming service intends to pick up the show for additional seasons. Fans and cast are trying their hardest to get notice via social media however. This is completely understandable, as this show stands out among the rest. 

David is preaching his final sermon at the Church when he sees a message from his friends at the Vatican. How cool would it be to see the Pope in the last episode. I digress, the trio is called in for their final assessment – a Professor with ALS who communicates using a voice box may be joining the Church but there are fears he worships evil. Kristen believes the case will be anti-climatic and right on cue the professor sexually harasses Kristen. He also calls Ben in the middle of the night but turns out the Jin reappears in a terrifying scene. 

The way all the Priests are acting nonchalant regarding the dismantling of the Church hits the wrong way. Anyway, a relic goes missing and turns out this plot leads to some of Sister Andrea’s best work when she tourtes the demon that ate it. Also, her and Father Ignatius have another great heart to heart conversation about faith. I am really going to miss those two characters. 

David finally had an interesting storyline this episode with another new Vatican handler assigned to him. He is tested by a human lie detector and sent on a mission to gather information from Leland. They also end up having a real conversation with Leland spilling details about his time that match up with David’s experience and at the end you do not know who is playing who but I thoroughly enjoyed seeing David punch the lights out of Leland. His conversation with his new handler and with Leland also cemented the lengths he would go through to keep Kristen safe. 

An interesting tidbit was that since David remote viewed into Leland they each have a part of each other. The comic relief of the episode came in the form of Leland watching cute pet videos online and crying. On the flip side, David is more angry and Sister Andrea has to keep removing leech demons from him. Speaking of Sister Andrea, her battle with the red demon wasn’t her only great moment in this episode. She proved to be Wonder Woman when taking on the Professor’s assistant – a demon in disguise. She beat him up so badly he had to staple his skin back on. His reveal did make me jump – another great aspect of this show I love is the jump scares. Television shows rarely achieve this nowadays. 

With the Professor’s behavior explained away by science, his story did not have much impact on the plot. It was wrapped up with a neat bow but the rest of it not so much. Ben’s issue is left up in the air and not to mention the painting of the apocalypse David saw at Leland’s apartment. Leland agreed to leave Kristen alone if David left the Priesthood but he has been reassigned to Rome to join security much to Kristen’s sadness. 

One episode left with many unanswered questions. What did you think of the episode? Drop a comment and remember to follow me on X @jereereviews to keep the conversation going.

About the Author – Je-Ree Olenik

Je-Ree is the definition of a Jersey Girl. A true nerd who loves her comics. When not watching tv she is a paralegal by day. She loves writing, reading, binging all the newest shows and spending time with her family. Twitter @jereereviews

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