Back in 1970, sister Mary Jucunda wrote NASA, decrying large investments in science. A former Nazi’s legendary response is still relevant.
Here in today’s modern world, it may not seem like investing in basic, fundamental research is a necessity anymore. Instead, our society focuses much more on technological and engineering applications of already-known science. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, powerful rockets and satellite internet, and pharmaceutical medications seem to generate much more interest — from both public and private funding sources — than fundamental research into the nature of space, matter, life, or disease. Instead of focusing resources into new, cutting-edge science facilities, the scientific leader of the free world for many decades, the United States, is slashing government spending in vital areas, including for basic, fundamental research.
Some will argue that we have better, more important, and more urgent tasks to fund than something that leads to long-term benefits like science. Others will point to instances where science drew incorrect conclusions in the past, arguing that science is a fundamentally untrustworthy endeavor as a result. And still others minimize the very…
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